
Ironed Sausage

When you think of Serbia, its picturesque landscapes, the hospitality of its people, or its rich history probably come to mind first. However, Serbian cuisine is also renowned for its extraordinary dishes. At the heart of our gastronomic offerings is an ironed sausage. This delicacy originates from the southeastern part of Serbia, specifically from the Pirot district, a region known for its rich culinary tradition and artisanal skills.

Ironed Sausage

A Superior Delicacy with a Long History

Ironed sausage is an authentic Serbian specialty made from the highest quality meat mixed with spices. It is believed to date back to the time of the Turks. Its preparation involves carefully selected pieces of goat, sheep, and beef, all lean types of meat. For many, donkey meat is the best. Pork is never used due to its quick spoilage and the influence of Turkish and Muslim dietary customs. Only the finest meat is used – free of sinews, fat, tallow, and other unwanted elements. The meat is ground and mixed with carefully selected spices.

Specific Preparation Process

One of the characteristics of ironed sausage is its spiciness, which can range from mild to intense, but its magic lies in the specificity and diversity of flavors. After the meat is seasoned and stuffed into casings, the sausage is tied into a U-shape and dried in a draft. The Pirot climate is ideal for this process, with optimal temperatures between -5 and +5 degrees Celsius, without humidity and severe frost. The best period for making this sausage is from late November to late December

During the drying period, the sausages are pressed every two to three days, usually with a bottle, giving them the shape of a horseshoe. This process, from which the sausage gets its name, expels water from the sausage and ensures its longevity.

Pirot Viagra

Ironed sausage is not just a tasty delicacy but also a real energy bomb, rich in full and intense flavors that satisfy even the most demanding gourmets. Due to its specific combination of meat and spices, this sausage is a true treat for the senses. It is characterized by a noble spiciness, which can range from mild to intense, but its magic lies in this diversity of flavors.

What particularly distinguishes ironed sausage is its maturity and musky meat tones, which provide energy and vitality. For men, this sausage symbolizes strength and endurance, while its rich and layered flavor awakens passion and restlessness in women. Due to its natural ingredients and preparation method, ironed sausage is often called “Pirot Viagra”.

One of the key advantages of ironed sausage is its ecological purity. It is prepared without preservatives, additives, artificial colors, thermal processing, or exposure to carcinogenic smoke. This is a completely ecological product that you can enjoy knowing it is entirely natural and healthy. Every bite of this delicacy offers a truly natural experience, rich in nutritional values preserved through traditional preparation methods.

Serving and Consumption

Ironed sausage can be served before and after the main meal. It is best sliced millimeter-thin at a 75-degree angle, allowing the best aromas of this specialty to be maximally released. It is recommended to chew slowly and hold it in the mouth as long as possible to sense all the rich nuances of flavors it carries.

Due to its dryness, ironed sausage is ideal for prolonged snacking, and its absorption of liquid means it can be consumed throughout the night with favorite drinks without the risk of overindulgence. However, moderation is advised – consumption of up to 150 grams per day is recommended, especially for those with heart conditions, to avoid potential risks.

Ironed Sausage at Hotel Happy

At Hotel Happy in Dimitrovgrad, we are proud to offer this authentic Serbian specialty. In our restaurant, ironed sausage is more than just a dish – it is a story we share with each guest. We serve it as part of a special menu that includes the best of Serbian cuisine. Our recommendation is to try it with local cheeses, olives, and freshly baked bread. It also pairs perfectly with quality Serbian wines like Prokupac or Tamjanika.

Experience Authentic Serbian Flavors

Our restaurant is not just a place to eat – it is a place where you can experience Serbia through its flavors. Every bite of this delicacy transports you to the past, to Serbian mountains and meadows, among hardworking people who preserved the tradition and skill of making this unique specialty.

Reserve a Table at Hotel Happy

Come and discover the charms of ironed sausage at Hotel Happy in Dimitrovgrad. Reserve your table today and let us take you on a gastronomic journey through Serbian tradition. 

Visit us and find out why this sausage is the pride of Serbian cuisine. We await you to discover the flavors of tradition together at Hotel Happy!

Plan your unforgettable Happy experience today!
