
Petrlaške Caves

Caves have always inspired awe and admiration in people, representing fascinating geological wonders that often conceal various secrets deep beneath the surface. These natural formations provide a glimpse into the long geological history and processes that have shaped the world around us. Caves can be found everywhere, from mountainous areas to deserts, attracting explorers, spelunkers, and tourists worldwide with their unique beauty. Once the homes of our ancestors, they are now tourist attractions gaining well-deserved popularity.

Petrlaške Caves

Where Are Petrlaške Caves Located?

Just 15 km from Dimitrovgrad, in the vicinity of the village of Peterlaš, lies the natural monument known as "Petrlaške Caves." This natural phenomenon is situated between the Vidlič mountain to the north and the Nišava valley to the south, right on the border with Bulgaria. You can reach these caves by car in less than half an hour from Dimitrovgrad.

Geography of Petrlaške Caves

Petrlaške Caves span an area of 7 km in length and 4.5 km in width. This region is bordered by the Vidlič mountain and limestone ridges. It comprises a system of five caves, with the most significant and longest being Petrlaška or Velika Cave, measuring 468 meters in explored channels. The other caves in this group include:

  • Tmna Dupka (170m)
  • Odžina Dupka (150m)
  • Dančulica (108m)
  • Nedeljina Dupka (69m)

These caves are rich in various cave formations, predominantly featuring stalagmites and stalactites. Additionally, the caves house remnants of fossil fauna and archaeological artifacts.

The Big Cave

The longest and most fascinating, Velika Cave, undoubtedly reigns as the master of this natural monument. The entrance to Velika Cave is located at the base of the limestone section on the flat surface of the Odorovačko Polje. Directly in front of the entrance stretches the abyss of the Odorovačka River. Apart from the main entrance with the entrance hall, this cave encompasses other morphological units such as Široki Kanal, Aragonite Kanal, Meandering Kanal, Central and Velika Dvorana, Veliki Vodeni Nivo, and several secondary channels.

Accommodation Nearby

If you decide to visit this natural phenomenon, Hotel Happy in Dimitrovgrad offers accommodation that will help you recharge your batteries and prepare for a real adventure. In restaurant Hotel Happy Dimitrovgrad you can enjoy a variety of specialties with authentic flavors, and our friendly staff is here to help you with suggestions of tourist destinations located near Dimitrovgrad.

Plan your unforgettable Happy experience today!
